The New York Women's Bar Association Foundation
Empowering Women and Children and Providing Support for Unmet Legal Needs

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New York Women’s Bar Association Foundation, Inc. Guidelines for Grant Requests

The NYWBAF will award grants for innovative projects and programs that support the mission of the NYWBAF, which is to: 

1) eliminate gender bias and other forms of discrimination from the legal system and legal profession,

2) promote the social and economic equality, safety and well-being of women and children, and

3) address the unmet legal needs of women and children.  

Other Programs Sponsored or Funded by the NYWBA Foundation Include:

  • The NYWBA Foundation has been a supporter of the Judicial Internship Program sponsored by the Joint Minority Bar Association.  As of 2015, that program became a part of the Sonia & Celia Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program, Inc., which also provides internships to high school students.  The Foundation recognizes that the Sotomayor Program assists the Foundation in fulfilling its mission, and has increased and renewed its support for 2016.
  • The NYWBA Foundation has been a supporter of the Judicial Internship Program sponsored by the Joint Minority Bar Association. As of 2015, that program became a part of the Sonia & Celia Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program, Inc., which also provides internships to high school students. The Foundation recognizes that the Sotomayor Program assists the Foundation in fulfilling its mission, and has increased and renewed its support for 2016. You can find the Program’s website at
  • Grants to the Pro Bono Matrimonial Project, a project of the NYWBA and NY Law School, to assist volunteer attorneys who represent pro se litigants in contested matrimonial matters.
  • A Screening of the Film, “Courting Justice: South Africa’s Female Judiciary and Their Role in the Transition from Apartheid to Democracy,” followed by Q&A with film creator Ruth Cowan.
  • “Growing and Keeping Talented Lawyers: New Directions in Mentoring” conference and publication of “The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring”. Copies of the book are available; email us to request one.
  • Grant to the Justice Resource Center in Connection with the Youth Law Manual which is distributed in New York City public high schools to educate high school teachers and students about the legal system.
  • Sponsorship of the New York Women’s Bar Association “Take Our Children To Work Day” Program at the Courtof Appeals for the Second Circuit
  • Provided funding to Children’s Pressline, supporting adolescent journalists assigned to interview otherteens currently on death row
  • Columbia Law School student internship at Human Rights First (formerly Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights)
  • Doris S. Hoffman Fellowship at inMotion (formerly Network for Women’s Services) for New York University Law Schoolstudents
  • Fordham University School of Law student internship at Domestic Violence Advocacy Center (DVAC)/Sanctuary For Families
  • “Growing and Keeping Talented Lawyers: New Directions in Mentoring” conference and publication of “The Lawyer’s Guide to Mentoring”
  • Funded recent grant requests for program support from Association Committees, including the Ethics and Mentoring Committees
  • Supporter, Judges and Lawyers Breast Cancer Alert (JALBCA) Mobile Mammogram Center
  • Help us advance our mission to aid women and children in New York and beyond by giving generously to the Foundation.

The New York Women's Bar Association Foundation
Empowering Women and Children and Providing Support for Unment Legal Needs