The New York Women's Bar Association Foundation
Empowering Women and Children and Providing Support for Unmet Legal Needs

About Us

Because Everyone Deserves Justice

Our Mission

Empowering Women,
Advancing Justice

How do we accomplish our mission, to promote social and economic equality and to address the unmet legal needs of women and children? We regularly discuss and analyze important issues, such as Domestic Violence, the impact of economic inequality on Breast Cancer screening, Racial Justice, Voting Rights, Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking. We host speakers and discussion meetings with authors of books of social relevance. We identify ways to help women and children who are affected by these issues, through our grant process and by supporting fellowships whereby law students are tasked with helping out disadvantaged persons through the legal process.

Our Team

Board of Directors


Laurie Berke Weiss


Marian C. Burnbaum

Vice President

Katherine Cassirer

Recording Secretary

Gigi Tewari



Gail Bader

Diana G. Browne

Martha E. Gifford

Hane Kim

Marilyn Kunstler

Ilana Lubin

Karen M. Mitchell

Gretchen Beall Schuman

Helen Wan

Sabrina E. Morrissey

Jocelyn Jacobson

(ex officio)
Our Values

What We Fight For

Equality and Justice



Our Goals

Make a Lasting Difference

Our goals are: (1) to eliminate gender bias and other forms of discrimination from the legal system and legal profession, (2) to promote the social and economic equality, safety and well being of women and children, and (3) to address the unmet legal needs of women and children.

We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charitable organization which supports and funds charitable and philanthropic programs to aid women and children throughout Manhattan.

Legal Troubles?

We Fight Against

Gender Bias


Social Injustice

Build a better future

Here's how you can help.

The New York Women's Bar Association Foundation
Empowering Women and Children and Providing Support for Unment Legal Needs